With Bond Street decided as Greenwich Market, and Oxford Street decided as Trafalgar Road, that just leaves Regent Street to decide from the green squares on the Monopoly Board.
Completed in 1825, Regent Street is one of the West End’s most famous shopping streets, and did you know that every building in Regent Street is protected as a listed building?
We’re looking now for a road in Greenwich that could take the place of Regent Street on the Greenwich Monopoly board. Let’s make this a quick one, so if you have an idea post it on the site using the comments form below.
I think it should be Greenwich Market
Yep I vote for Greenwich Market as well.
Greenwich Market has already been taken by the way – its worth keeping an eye on this page.
Greenwich High Road
Greenwich Church Street.
Nelson Road sounds nice to me!!
A few to choose from but I think we’ll go with Tony’s suggestion of Nelson Road. Thanks Tony – that’s one entry for you in the draw.