So far we’ve decided all the green squares and all the blue squares of our Greenwich Monopoly board. I thought we’d go to the opposite end of the spectrum now and tackle the brown squares. I want to get through these a bit quicker so we’re going to double up on this one and play for TWO entries! (Calm youselves at the back!)
Whitechapel and Old Kent Road are the cheapest streets in the game. Hmm… I wonder how we can do this without sounding snobbish and passing judgement! Let’s just have your entries please for two Greenwich streets to take the place of Whitechapel and Old Kent Road on our bespoke Monopoly board. I’ll pick a winner and there will be two entries up for grabs for whichever entry or entries are in luck.
I hope this all clear by the way… running competitions is a skill in itself which I’m still learning the ropes for, so if anything’s not clear, just ask!
I think Woolwich Road and Blackheath Road would be appropriate!
Hi there, I think that Salutation Road and Tunnel Avenue fit the bill for these brown squares!
I’d go for Creek Road and Stockwell Street.
It’s been a busy week and I’ve taken rather a long time to get round to choosing a winner here. But I’m going to go with Mary Long’s entries of Salutation Road and Tunnel Avenue.
Well done Mary – that’s two entries in the grand draw for you.
Excellent! Just seen the message, thank you! So will those streets be used in the game when it’s put together?
Hi Mary – yes, these streets will be on the board when its made. When we’ve finished all the squares, we will be putting all the selected entries in a hat to pick one winner of the custom made set, and you have two entries so far.
There’ll be a new chance to play later on today.