With the yellow squares decided, we move on now to the orange squares, which are Bow Street, Marlborough Street and Vine Street on the original London Monopoly set.
To enter, simply state the name of the square and the Greenwich equivalent that you’d like to nominate. e.g.:
Vine Street = Creek Road (for example!).
You can nominate one, two or all three squares. Keep an eye on the Competition summary page which tells you all the Greenwich Streets that have been used up already.
If you nominations are selected, you will receive an entry for each one into the Greenwich Monopoly Prize Draw. Your entry doesn’t need to be unique – if someone posts the same suggestions you were going to make, you both still receive a prize draw entry if that one is selected.
Deadline for this one is Tuesday lunchtime. If you’re unclear of how to play, please just ask.
Burney Street
Stockwell Street
King George Street
Park Vista
Park Row
Feathers Place
I’ve selected Heather’s entries to go forward and be used on the board, so that’s 3 more entries in the draw for you Heather.
Great! I’m beginning to feel a huge affinity with Greenwich.