THE NEW mayor of Greenwich has carried out one of his first official duties – the unveiling of a topiary horse in a Greenwich garden.
The bushy creation is in the garden of local B&B, No 16, and has been named Benson in honour of London 2012 equestrian course designer, Sue Benson.
Dozens of people turned out yesterday afternoon to see the mayor, Cllr David Grant, arrive and declare Benson “open”.
Owner of No 16, Robert Gray, hopes visitors to Greenwich this summer will stop for a photo in front of Benson and make a donation to the mayor’s chosen charity for the year – the Alzheimer’s Society.
Minutes before the mayor arrived, two mounted police officers trotted down Roan Street and posed for photos with the new equine addition to the neighbourhood.
Benson can be found on Twitter and Facebook.
Good to see that the Mayor is supposting small local businesses!