FILMING for the sequel to the Marvel Comics Thor movie looks set to take place in Greenwich next month.
A letter has been distributed in the town centre from the production office for a film with the working title “Thursday Mourning.”
The letter advises that filming will take place at the Old Royal Naval College and the Thames on October 21st with the use of a helicopter at altitudes as low as 100ft.
“We are writing to let you know our plans as it’s not every day you see or hear a helicopter fly at low level in this area and we did not want anyone to be alarmed,” states the letter.
Internet speculation suggests that the working title is a cover for filming of Thor sequel, The Dark World, starring Chris Hemsworth.
Other movies to be filmed at the Old Royal Naval College this year include new James Bond film Skyfall and the new screen version of Les Miserables.
PennyL says
WE have too many low-flying helicopters over Greenwich already. The noise is very intrusive and so is the knowledge that we are being filmed. We get this every year with the marathon.
I suggest that as a deterrent we advertise “come to Greenwich and film the helicopters” every time this is going to happen.
PennyL says
I am not against filming- I enjoed the night of the Mummy’s return and the Les Miserables Elephant and barricade.
Thor says
I will come down on you Greenwich complainers like my mighty hammer! THE THUNDER OF MY VENGEANCE WILL ECHO THROUGH THESE STREETS LIKE THE GUST OF A THOUSAND WINDS!
Dave says
The bit about helicopters in their letter made me laugh. We’ve had nothing but helicopters for about 3 months during the Olympics And of course at other times.
On some occasions it like living in a militarised zone.
No, no its not. says
Is it really though? Really?
Odin says
Once, mankind accepted a simple truth: that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds man believed home to their Gods. Others they knew to fear. From around the cold and darkness came the Helicopters, threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age. But humanity would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the Helicopters back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell, and the source of their power was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home at the Realm Eternal, Asgard. And here we remain as the beacon of hope, shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man’s myths and legends, it was Asgard and its warriors that brought peace to the universe.
Louise says
One day of filming is not the same as 3 months of 6 army helicopters leaving and returning to HMS Ocean during the time it was stationed here. Trust me, it was parked up outside my flat and I work in the ORNC, I’m well aware of how noisy it was.
And yes it was lovely having Les Miserables filming here, however, when you have had to listen to ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ 26 times whilst you’re working you tend to want to smash a lot of things up.
I’d rather have the helicopters.
Jörmungandr says
People really love complaining, don’t they. Wow.
It’s as if people have forgotten that they live in one of the world’s great cities (and a very pretty part of it to boot). Is noise etc not part of living in a city?
Heimdall says
I was asked to point the reconstructed rainbow bridge Bifröst towards Greenwich…you mere mortals should not complain about a little noise…you have not heard noise until you’ve heard the raucous men & women folk of Valhalla drink mead, eat meats & sing songs after battle in my home of Himinbjörg…
You would do well to watch your tongues, my keen eyesight & foreknowledge see great beauties in your future Greenwich folk….
Agent Coulson says
Nothing to see here people, please move on.
Bruce Banner says
Come on people, let’s not get angry about this…you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry…
Barbara says
I’ve just got childishly overexcited at the idea of this!!!!!
Paul says
Dear sir, I suspect you are not local and will damage a beautiful location that belongs to us, not you. We are very concerned you will damage the trees, cause subsidence, endanger our stag horn beetles and might well employ Irish people.
kerry says
oh deary me, now us locals do love a little bit of excitement. i think after all the destruction and mayhem that was cause in greenwich this year for the olympics, a few helicopters shall not hurt especially when filming a sencod thor. my support is there. bring on the filming i say.
Niamh says
And what’s wrong with the Irish?
Jack Cross says
Niamh –
If you don’t follow Greenwich local politics, like us saddoes, you wouldn’t realise that Paul’s post is intended to satirise the attitudes and utterences of NOGOE, the tiny self-appointed group of nimby’s (nimbies?) who most vocally opposed the Olympics in Greenwich Park.
One of their number made anti-Irish tweets, from which, to be fair NOGOE disassociated themselves and denounced.
That is what Paul is refering to here, I am sure.