I was passing the Creaky Shed on Royal Hill the other week and saw these piles of pumpkins and thought this would make a great Daily Photo for Halloween.
Daily Photo 30/10/08: Ballast Quay Gardens
In Ballast Quay, almost opposite the Cutty Sark pub is a small, pretty private garden. It belongs to one of the residents of the nearby terrace and it’s made available for the neighbours to use and enjoy. When I passed by, one of the residents was doing some gardening and she kindly let me in to take a few photos. This animal memorial was created using objects dragged out of the river.
Seen Seety? The Photo Street Mapping Tool
Remember the first time you tried Google maps and were in awe at how you could zoom right in on those cool aerial views to see the buildings and streets you know and love? Prepare for that feeling all over again with Seety which is a street mapping service put together with photos taken by a car that was driven all over London.
I took a look at Greenwich on Seety, and it really is impressive. You can even see people walking, drivers in cars, and in this example below, someone up a ladder at the Spread Eagle.
If you haven’t seen it yet, have a look and see what you think – interesting bit of fun, ideal for curtain twitchers or a possible invasion of privacy? Also, it strikes me that sending someone around in a van is a bit inefficient and the whole thing could have been done with user contributed content that was GPS tagged.
Daily Photo 29/10/08: Spitroast In Greenwich Market
Daily Photo 28/10/08: Meeting Lord Nelson
Daily Photo 27/10/08: Squirrel in Greenwich Park
Daily Photo 26/10/08: Moscow State Circus
Moscow State Circus, which was still setting up on Blackheath Common when I took this last week. It will be on until Sunday 2nd November. Find out about ticket availability for Moscow State Circus.