The Auctioneer
217-219 Greenwich High Road
SE10 8NB
Cheap (ish) and Cheerful
Within 5 minutes of entering this pub my friend and I were deep into reminiscing about our student days, which pretty much tells you all you need to know about The Auctioneer.
Part of the Mitchell and Butler’s ‘Scream’ branded chain, the pub makes no bones about it’s cheap and cheerful pretensions. The generic mish-mash interior and scruffy, sticky, leather furniture, mark this as a place not too fussed about its appearance and unlike most Greenwich pubs, the only mark of historical significance is graffiti on the tables informing you that, at some indeterminate time, ‘Mark woz ‘ere’.
Numerous whiteboards scream (geddit?) offers on any drink that you could put in a pitcher, and the bar is full of the usual suspects including a job lot of Carlsberg and Blossom Hill Rosé. The drinks disappointingly aren’t that cheap, but then most clued up students will know that your ‘Scream’ loyalty card will get you a discount on the more sensible drinks like Sambuca, or Screambuca as it’s called here. Classy. There is also plenty of food on offer, but given the grubby state of the menus you’re a braver person than me if you choose to give the £5 burgers a go.
But let’s not be too snobby – the Auctioneer doesn’t over promise and it’s good that the university contingent is catered for amongst a sea of very well to do pubs in Greenwich. 7 or 8 years ago I used to feel right at home in places like this, and The Auctioneer was well stocked with people for a weekday evening. Therefore, although this place may not be to everyone’s tastes, it’s a fairly perfect version of what it is: a place to get drunk before you go and steal some traffic cones.
What they say: “Aimed at students and like-minded individuals, and famous for its range of burgers as well as its excellent lager and cider selection, these pubs are often the best place in town to watch all major sporting events” – Scream Website
What you say: “It’s the sort of place where I would take the boys there for a weekend knees-up without worrying about spilling beer on the floor!” – Fellow Customer
What do you think of the Auctioneer? Post your comments below…