Candidates for the elections to Greenwich Council on May 6th have been confirmed.
201 candidates in total are standing in the 17 wards at the council elections, which take place on the same day as the General Election. Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats are all standing 3 candidates in every ward.
21 Greens and 13 BNP candidates are standing. The Christian Peoples Alliance is fielding 9 candidates around the borough, and there will be 3 independents.
The English Democrats and UKIP both have only one candidate each.
With its SE10 focus, will be concentrating on the Greenwich West and Peninsula wards.
Candidates in the Greenwich West ward
- Acty, Ryan John (Conservative)
- Austin, Anthony (Lib Dem)
- Ball, Darren (Green)
- Gallie, Simon (Conservative)
- Gerrard, Ian John (Lib Dem)
- Grant, David (Labour)
- Harris, Mary Stewart (Conservative)
- Mortimer, Lucy (Lib Dem)
- O’Mara, Maureen (Labour)
- Pennycook, Matthew Thomas (Labour)
- Ross, Adrian Norman (Green)
- Stott, Robin Bradley (Green)
Candidates in the Peninsula ward
- Bailey, Toks (Conservative)
- Butt, Philip David (Lib Dem)
- Chamberlain, Darryl David (Green)
- Cunliffe, Alex (Lib Dem)
- Easton, Charlie (Conservative)
- Mills, Mary (Labour)
- Powley, Marek Daniel Alexander (Green)
- Quibell, Dick (Labour)
- Reid, Malcolm David (Conservative)
- Sharman, Dave (Green)
- Tybura, Julia Helena (Liberal Democrats)
- Williams, Miranda (Labour)
Information on all candidates in all of the wards can be found on the council’s website.
I’ve decided that this year I’m going to attempt to make an informed voting decision by scrutinising each candidates Twitter feed. If you know of any official ones to save me trying to find them it would be a help!
Hi Alexander – these are the council candidates that I know of with a publicly available Twitter feed to follow:
Chamberlain, Darryl – @Darryl1974
Mills, Mary – @maryorelse
Fletcher, Nigel – @nigelfletcher
In addition to that, there are these ones you might wish to follow too:
Does anyone know any more?
Hi Rob – I found a couple of feeds for candidates in the area surrounding SE10 but can’t find a feed for any of the Greenwich West candidates. Also Nigel Fletcher is technically Eltham and so outside the scope of SE10 (no offence to SE9 or SE12!).
A few others though which I’ve found for the area around SE10 (in no particular order):
@GreenGreenwich – Greenwich Green Party
@lewgreenparty – Lewisham Green Party
@AruSivananthan – Arujuna Sivananthan, Conservative (Greenwich/Blackheath)
@GemmaT4MP – Gemma Townsend, Conservative (Lewisham/Deptford)
@DarrenJohnsonAM – Darren Johnson, Green (Lewisham Councillor)
@CharDingle – Charlotte Dingle, Green (Ladywell and Young Greens)
Sigh – yea, make an informed decision based on Twitter feeds – can anyone sensibly convey party policy in 140 characters or less? This must be some sort of nadir of lowest common denominators. I do hope that Alexander is being “ironical”.
I shall find this information useful as anyone who has time to twatter doesn’t have time to actually be a councillor so I will automatically discount anyone who is using it.
Unless something went horribly wrong with the nominations, I think you’ve missed the third Labour candidate in Peninsula ward off the list – current Cllr Dick Quibell is re-standing.
You’ve got Anthony Austin’s name back to front.
Indigo, I’m not being “ironical” at all. Rather than blindly voting for someone simply because of the party they represent (which has generally been my method on previous occasions), I thought I would actually make an attempt this year to vote for whichever candidate most closely resembles a human being. I think it’s as good a method as any! Although, if you have a better system, then feel free to make a constructive criticism instead as I’m always open to better ideas.
If you want to be critical of voter decisions then maybe your ire is better directed at the estimated 50-60% of constituents who won’t even bother voting?
Thanks Paul and Political Animal – the list has been updated with corrections.
According to Alexander, Twitter is “as good a method as any” to ascertain which candidate “most closely resembles a human being” – or hapless oik, as Nigel Molesworth put it (see today.
“anyone who has time to twatter doesn’t have time to…” that’s then point of twitter – it takes no time at all to convey something. the people wot slag off twitter (and presumably have not tried even to use it) probably didn’t like email when it first came out either…
What are the candidates’ positions on the national ID card scheme and how local councils are to incept and use them in their systems? The set-up and running of the ID cards is going to be a phenomenal drain on local coffers, apart from everything else. Numerous councils at varying levels across the country have passed resolutions saying they will have no truck with the scheme – something of the same should be pushed by Greenwich.
I would like to know the other parties views on the one way systems being proposed for Penninsula ward.
Keen for a reversal, I’ve discussed the matter with Cllr Dick Quibell already. Can anyone help with how could I contact the other party representatives?
Kate from the Friends of East Greenwich Pleasaunce is trying to arrange a hustings event at the Friends’ AGM tomorrow: